Activity report of the shipbuilding sector in Spain
First annual report made by PYMAR to present the state of the sector.
PYMAR is a public limited company established in 1985 by small and medium-sized private Spanish shipyards to protect the interests of private shipbuilding in Spain and throughout Europe.
With the aim of achieving an improvement in its shipyards’ competitiveness, it has access to key mechanisms which are extremely important to the shipping sector, including the Shipbuilding Guarantee Fund, which is aimed at facilitating the implementation of shipbuilding projects in Spain.
The objective of this study is to determine the parameters of shipbuilding activity registered during the past year 2014.
The importance of analyzing the commercial and productive context of the shipyards lies in offering the opportunity to achieve a greater understanding of the factors that influence the activity of the sector and, in advance, to obtain tools to take advantage or lessen its possible impact. , according to the case.